Done With Homesteading!

Working at night to install plumbing from our new well to our tiny house.

I’m done.  I’ve had it.  This is not working, and I quit!  If something doesn’t give I’m going to blow up or lose my mind or do something crazy!  Just let me live a normal life again (what’s normal???).

Last week I was really tempted to voice some of those thoughts…and actually I did voice them quite emphatically to the Lord one day.  I felt discouraged and like everything was going wrong.  I KNEW differently, but that is how I FELT.  Graciously, through His Word, He reminded me that He sees the big picture and I am very special and loved by Him.  He reminded me that Eternity is really what I am living for, and that what happens here on this earth is small in comparison.

“I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Isa. 43:19b

Of all my worries, the worst was that we would all die, which means going to heaven to be with Jesus!  Whatever difficulties we face here, they are very temporary.  And my Heavenly Father promised to make a way through them.

As I prayed and asked the Lord about my feelings, He helped me to get a more eternal perspective.  I’ve been worried about Silver Oak because he is under extreme pressure trying to juggle his landscaping business with homesteading.  It is not good.  On top of everything else the past month or so he is often awake for hours at night with tingling and burning hands from overdoing himself.  Our bodies can withstand pressure for a time, but there must be relief or things will fall apart.

Evensong’s young Nigerian Dwarf goats. One was tragically killed last week.

One day last week the children and I went to town to help my mom who has helped us so much.  When we returned home a devastating sight met us.  The goats had found the end of the field fencing and crawled through the barbed wire, coming into our living area and eating every living plant we had, except three they don’t like.  Blossom’s newly purchased herbs were destroyed.  Evensong’s rabbitry supplies were knocked down and the feed eaten.

Our new dog Zoe has proven to be a disaster.  She has now killed four of our animals (two chickens, one guinea, and Evensong’s new little Nigerian Dwarf buckling) and injured one (a big rooster in critical condition).  It has been too sad to even mention.  We are finding another family for her.  The day of the goat devastation, Zoe also had a half-eaten chicken lying beside her.

Last week several of Evensong’s baby rabbits were injured by freak accidents.

An injured bunny’s leg bandaged with aloe vera (one of the three remaining plants)

The small diaphram pump that gives us water pressure in our tiny house went out.

It’s raining more and our makeshift deck roof is manifesting its “makeshiftedness.”

The tiny air conditioner in our tiny house quit working, and it is HOT.

The list goes on.  Things like this take time and energy.  In spite of giving nearly all of the daily chores to others in the family, it is just too much for Silver Oak to live with one foot on the homestead and the other in town doing landscaping.  The rest of us are feeling it as well.  I was so overwhelmed one day I took the two and a half gallons of Buttercup’s milk waiting to be processed and poured it all into the chickens’ trough.  What a relief I felt!  If you would have been here I would have given it to you…

So we are praying for a way out.  Silver Oak’s heart is here on the homestead.  He doesn’t want to go to town and plant or trim shrubs for other people.  He wants to be here.

A change must happen and we are asking the Lord for answers.  He knows our limitations and where He wants us.  We simply need to be ready when He opens doors.

On the brighter side, we just received our new solar panels and they are waiting for installation (hmmm, wonder when that can happen??).  Silver Oak has completely installed the plumbing for the new well, pump, and small pressure tank, and no longer has to haul water!  What a huge blessing!  A temporary a/c window unit keeps it around 84° inside when it is in the upper 90’s outside.  We also just restocked our rotating supply of food which had dwindled way down since moving here last fall.  The tax money we recently received made some of these things possible.  God is taking care of us.

Plumbing the “new” well pump (and sediment filter) which we bought used for $50 through Craigslist, saving around $200. It’s working great!

Brown rice, oats, popcorn, and other bulk foods fill our storage buckets

I had to ask myself, “Did God lead us here and provide this homestead for us?  If so, will He give me the grace to face difficulties that may arise?”

Meanwhile we’ve received several messages from fellow Believers of things that are to happen in our country and world soon.  I have never been keen on studying controversial issues in Bible prophecy, or listening to gloom and doom reports, but when people I respect share information or visions about things in our future, and they come from totally different sources and seem to agree with each other and with Scripture, I am ready to sit up and listen.  How many times in history has the Lord mercifully warned His followers so they could prepare?  How many times were warnings ignored by people who didn’t want their comfortable lives rocked?

Maybe I’ve read too many biographies of people living through the takeover of Communism or Hitler’s regime, or other world-changing events.  Some things happening now are similar to what happened before people completely lost their freedoms or their lives.  Think of all the personal information we naïve Americans are encouraged to share via social media, linking ourselves up with each other in “innocent” ways.  What could become of it in the hands of those who decide Bible-believing, homesteading, home educating, and health consious people are “terrorists?”  Why is the Department of Homeland Security purchasing massive amounts of ammunition, and what is the real reason checkpoints are being planned and built on major US highways?  Many other questions could be asked.

In contemplating the growing stress of the past weeks and our future Silver Oak and I have discussed various things:

1)       We must guard against believing it is solely up to us to prepare for emergencies that may happen no matter what else is neglected.  The Lord provides in His timing for things that are His ideas if we are faithful to walk accordingly.  If He doesn’t provide for something we think we need by a certain time, we can trust Him and His Master Plan.  If He allows us to be in a position where we may be hurt or suffer loss, we can trust Him to carry us through whatever happens.  Being in the center of His will is the only safe place to be.

2)      Whatever the Lord shows us about the future or about what we are to be busy doing will always bring honor and glory to Jesus Christ.

3)      As Believers we are called to be servants.  If we are busy preparing for things coming it must include preparations for being the hands and feet of Jesus to others in time of need who may not be prepared.

4)      The ultimate yearning in the heart of Jesus is for all people to come to Him and find Eternal Life.   When there are seekers of Truth we should always be prepared to share.  World Missionary Press makes small Scripture booklets in many different languages for no charge (they are an organization worth supporting!).  We should have a healthy supply of these booklets on hand for use now and in time of emergency when hope is needed.

5)      We must question ourselves whether we are prepared spiritually for what may be coming.  Are we hiding God’s Word in our hearts?  Are we in fellowship with Jesus so we recognize His voice when He gives us specific direction?   Are we ready to die for Him?  Are we communicating Truth and Love to our children so they have a solid foundation in case we are separated?

6)      We must value relationships more than reaching preparedness goals.

7)      Whatever difficulties we face in homesteading or otherwise will possibly make life that much easier when long-term hardships arise.  A life of convenience and ease can leave us ill-prepared, but if we are already toughened up a bit it may be less stressful in the long run.

Our prayer is that the Body of Christ would lead in preparing, for His honor and glory.


Cooking with a Windshield Shade

PS. Our computer difficulties are being resolved, so hopefully things will be back to normal soon.

Linked w/Barn Hop, Morris Tribe, White Wolf Summit Farmgirl, Growing Home, Frugally Sustainable, Live Renewed, Our Simple Farm, A Rural Journal, Simple Lives Thursday, My Simple Country Living, Ole’ Saturday Homesteading Trading Post, and Seasonal Celebration Sunday.

48 thoughts on “Done With Homesteading!

  1. Oh Rose Petal, I am so sorry to hear of all the trouble you have been experiencing! I wish I had words that would help. I do have prayer so I will be lifting your family in prayer regularly. I know it is hard to see past what is hurting right now but you have the right idea about handling it. You trust God. There is nothing else above that. Now, if only I lived near you. I would have been first in line for that milk! Please post again soon so that we all know you guys are okay!


  2. I am praying for you. I hope that the troubles on your homestead will ease up, but if it does not happen as soon as we would like I know that the Lord will provide you with the endurance you need to get through it. My grandmother who grew up on a family farm used to tell me stories of hard times. In her day many farmers got through it by taking on a border in exchange for working on the farm because they could not afford to pay for help. Apparently in her day it was not uncommon for strangers to show up at a farm or homestead looking for a hot meal and a place to sleep for the night in exchange for a days worth of work.
    The Lord always finds a way to provide what we need even if what we think we need is different than what he knows we need.


    • Hiring someone to stay here in exchange for work is a great idea! We’ve thought of that before…we’ll have to pray about that one. You’re right…the Lord has unlimited resources to provide our needs…just need to remember that in the middle of it all. This week things are not all rosy either, but it doesn’t feel so overwhelming. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement!


  3. Oh, how I can absolutely relate to you. Homesteading is HARD, ENDLESS WORK. There is no other word for it. My husband works 65 hours at his job (in town) and when he gets home, there is ALWAYS work to be done. HE was so stressed the other day that he said enough is ENOUGH! It’s time to get rid of the animals and everything else.

    It was just one of those days where you work from sun up to sun down and see nothing accomplished because you know tomorrow the same work will be awaiting you with a whole lot more sneaking up on you. There is ALWAYS more work than time .

    After talking to him and making him realize that GOD is the ONE in control he came to peace and *gave* the situation to GOD. HE says he has peace now. We could give up the animals but I know, as he does, that THE LORD led us to this lifestyle for a reason.

    Your right about the state our country is in and where it seems to be going. Frightening comes to mind. That is the reason we know we need to keep this homestead going. It’s all in THE LORD’s hands and praise HIS name that it is or we would have given up years ago.

    I’ve also been guilty of *dumping* milk. When you milk a cow 2 times a day and have to process it and use every bit of it, it does become very overwhelming at times. Praise GOD we have a pig now and when AnnaBelle starts giving us milk again, I won’t *feel* so bad about *dumping* a gallon every now and again. It’s the pigs job to take care of any extra milk we have ;- )

    You are to be commended in my book for all that you have accomplished. You are so much further along than we are. I just haven’t been able to *wean* myself off of the grid. I LOVE my air condition too much 🙂 How do you power your little one?

    Oh, one more thing I have found to be helpfull. We have started a schedule that says no work after 8:00 p.m. unless its absolutely nessesary. (aka emergency.) Our bodies NEED rest and if the body is wore out, your mind will go too. It has made a BIG difference. I think working from 5:30 a.m to 8:00 p.m. is enough for any body ;- )

    I pray you have a blessed weekend in THE LORD! Your family is an inspiration to me!

    Matthew 6:33


    • Your “after 8pm” rule of no working sounds like a good one, although I admit I laughed at the seeming impossibility when I read it. But there would be much virtue in such a rule, especially once the main systems of our homestead are up and running. Since we moved here before things were really ready there are so many pressing things that need to be done “right now!” But at some point that must relax a bit.

      Our little a/c is just a 110 and is powered by our battery bank and inverter, or the generator when it is running. Soon, Lord willing, it will be powered by our solar panels so we don’t have to burn fuel.

      It is comforting to know there are many others like you out there who can identify with homesteading hardships. There are also many blessings that make it worth it, and the tough times can make us better people if we let them. Thanks for all the encouraging words you shared!


  4. I am sorry about your animals and plants. I have had times in my life where I felt like I was carrying to much. That it was almost to much to handle. But he had a plan I didn’t know about. I had a tragedy later on in life.,Which made me realize that God had used the earlier stuff to make me stronger. So when this happen I was able to handle it. God Bless. I will be praying for you.


  5. I can so relate–on a smaller scale, but I had a similar talk with God earlier this week. He is so amazing how He can refresh us and make us new even if our circumstances don’t seem to have changed much.
    Today we got a call from someone interested in our house we have sale..our realtor is showing it on Tuesday. Guess what we’re all doing tomorrow……cleaning, mowing, etc. to get ready for showing. May have to take our new baby goat with us so it can get its bottle:)


  6. Hi Rose Petal,

    Here is website you should check out: they link up host families with individuals who want to work on a farm. The host gives a clean place to stay and food to eat, while the volunteer works for free!

    I am also sorry to read about the pains you all are feeling right now. I hope your husband can find a way to stay home and work and be with you guys all day and not have to go out landscaping.

    Have you considered turning your homestead into a farm stay vacation? I know these are becoming very popular. The one we know of is called The Leaping Lamb Farm. Families plan their vacations to stay on their farm. Here is a link to their website:

    So sorry about the animals! I hope your kiddos are doing ok. I know the loss of an animal is hard esp. on kids!

    Thinking of you guys!


    • So sorry I somehow missed replying to your comment! We have considered both of your ideas in the past. The second idea of having families vacation here is one we would like to do in the future when we are more settled. The first idea of hiring someone in exchange for food and lodging is great as well, we just haven’t found that person yet. But this website you mentioned may be very helpful. Thanks so much for sharing!


  7. Sometimes in our eagerness to move forward we take on too much. God certainly will provide when times get tough and being prepared is also good. But and this is a big but has He called on you to do it all? Can you live without your husband? After all the work and homestead schedule he is on could certainly stop him in his tracks at some point.
    Stress is not good for the body or the soul.


    • You’re quite right. Something has to give, and it’s a relief to know that steps are being taken to lighten the load. We need to carefully discern what is God’s leading and what is just our own eagerness.


  8. I am so sorry for all the tribulations you have faced the past week. I watch and read about your struggles to set up and manage a “off grid” homestead and I am again reminded of how hard life would be for us if things suddenly got bad. You are practicing now what we all would have to face if we lose electricity, water, etc. I hope you do not give up, and I have said a prayer for you and your family to have the strength, patience and will to continue.

    I have learned so much by reading about how you are running your little homestead. I wonder if people have any idea how hard it is to suddenly pick up these skills you and your family are learning daily. Your children are so blessed to have parents that want to teach them to get close to the land and to nature, and how to survive in this world without all the modern amenities.

    God Bless!


    • Thank you for stopping by and sharing your encouraging words! I do often think of how difficult and overwhelming it would be to suddenly be thrown into a lifestyle like this unprepared. As difficult as it may be moving ahead one step at a time, think how traumatic to be forced into it all at once.


  9. I just found your blog by searching for ideas on how to handle chigger bites, and I saw the title of this, your latest post, and I had to read it. I have to say, I felt the very same way at about the same time. I’ve been so sick for weeks with an abcessed tooth (treated it with goldenseal, echinacea, and grapefruit seed extract, and it got a LOT better, but I think I slowed down on the treatment too soon and am having a bit of a relapse). During that time something has been going on with my goats. I couldn’t save the buck, and he died. 😦 I came very close to losing my two does that kidded this year, and they are still not out of the woods. Today one of the kids began scouring pretty badly, so we’re still in whatever it is. One of the latest batches of rabbit kits proved to be escape artists, and I’ve had to round them up every day until I was able to get the cage rebuilt. A huge snake got in the goat shed where one of my muscovies was raising a brood and ate two LARGE ducklings, then tried to attack me! It’s been a bad year for ducks and geese — only one live duckling so far from five ducks nesting, and only one dead baby gosling from six setting geese (it was seven but my only Toulouse was taken by something). My dog has something going on I can’t figure out … actually he has a LOT going on, and I’ve managed to fix most of it, but now he is developing an open sore on his neck (likely food allergies, and he can’t digest food normally anyway, so it’s becoming a trial). With the tooth, I can’t keep up with the garden, most of the plants are dead or dying except the tomatoes (gotta love the tomatoes, they always hang in there the longest!). And I’ve got ongoing family problems almost beyond my ability to bear, and I NEED a church family soooo badly, and can’t seem to find one. Wow … that sounds like a huge load of complaining. I’m sorry. I guess I mean to say, I was pretty much at the point where I was thinking I can’t do it anymore. It seems foolish to give up and throw away what I’ve been working a few years now to establish, but it seems hard to go on. I just wanted to say … I was really, really commiserating with what you said in the first half of your post. Then it was time to go out and do more animal chores. I came back in and read the rest, and I have to say, it makes me a bit ashamed that I haven’t really relied on the Lord in my questioning. You bring up so many good points. It is inspiring to me, and convicting, and encouraging all at once. You’re right, and I have some praying to do, about a lot of things. I’ve just let it get me down more than I should have. I read your responses to comments, and I’m glad it’s better for you. But I wanted to let you know, you’ve really made an impact on me just in posting this. I need to get back to my blog too … it was very new, and I’ve pretty much not posted in a month or so, with everything going on. There is a bright spot … when I went out to check on the animal chores, who showed back up but my nicest barred rock hen, who disappeared weeks ago. I had guessed she was out setting on eggs somewhere, because I’d discover a big broody poo near the waterers some mornings when I got up, but the last time I’d seen her (briefly) was a week and a half ago. Tonight she showed up with 16 or 17 (kept having trouble counting them!) of the CUTEST little chicks. It took some coaxing, but I managed to get her to go in the coop and into a broody box (I have large wooden boxes with fitted hardware cloth doors, because otherwise I lose most of my babies to snakes). Hopefully she’ll decide to raise them here around the house instead of off in the woods. I can’t believe she made it that long! We have a LOT of predator problems around here! So thank YOU for your sharing. I also like the other person’s idea of no work after 8pm. I need to put something like that in place. Work ALWAYS needs doing, and it never ends. Sometimes I barely sleep, which probably doesn’t help with fighting off infections AND discouragement. Please know you have been a blessing, and I wish I could offer similar encouragement to you! 🙂


    • Oh dear. I’m so sorry for all the trials!! Sometimes I think we ambitious homesteaders get too much going and if something goes wrong (as it usually does) it can quickly cause an overload. I think it’s ok if we back off and let some things go for the time being to come back to later. And you’re right, when you go too long without proper rest it can compound the discouraging things. I’m glad you found our blog and that our tough times could encourage you. That is why I share them…otherwise I would only share the fun and exciting parts (unrealistic though it would be).

      I’m so sorry for your animal problems. It feels so bad when they die or you think they may die. It puts a shadow over everything. I’m glad for your hen with her brood. Hopefully they will stay safe.

      And I hope and pray that your tooth issue will clear up. Have you tried using a whole clove on it? My hubby cleared up an infection that way. He clamped down on the clove positioned against the bad tooth, then held it in his mouth for about 10 minutes or until it started to disintegrate. Within 5 minutes the pain was gone. After doing that several times for a few days it cleared up and never came back.

      And I pray that you will find the church family that you need. I will pray for you when you come to mind. Let me know how things are going. It can feel lonely, I know. Thank you for sharing your heart. It is encouraging to me that someone else is encouraged.


      • I’m so sorry about your problems, I’ve been thinking about your family since you first posted. It will get better!

        The tooth- I had an infection over a weekend when I could not get to a dentist, and it was bad. A friend had me make a concentration of baking soda and water, then swish it around in your mouth. It tastes horrible, really bad. Do it many times throughout the day and it will help considerably. Somehow it must draw out the infection.


      • We use baking soda and salt as a toothbrushing powder, and it works great! Baking soda helps create the right ph level in your mouth to inhibit bad bacteria and promote the good. So I can see how swishing it around in your mouth would be helpful. If you added a little salt it would possibly make it taste better as well as add antiseptic qualities. Thanks for the great idea!

        You’re right, it gets better. We can expect to have those rough times, and also the good ones. Thanks for caring.


      • Thanks to you both. I’ve not been online much lately.

        I haven’t tried baking soda so I’ll try that. I got the abscess cleared up and I’m not really in pain anymore (at least compared to what it was, it’s easy enough to deal with) but I have what looks like a boil on my gums that will almost go away then come back.

        I think I can hopefully get to a dentist soon. I’ve gone through a LOT of goldenseal and echinacea, and grapefruit seed extract. The face swelling is all gone, the lymph swelling is gone, and I can chew again — I’m thankful for all of that. Just didn’t want the infection spreading was my main concern. Rinsing with hot salty water seems to help too.

        I think I’ve better gotten able to look to the Lord for help in all of this. I still really crave for the intimacy to grow, but I’ve gotten a much better sense of peace at least, and that is worth a lot.

        I’ve had a few more ducklings hatch, though I’ve lost a lot of clutches. The goats are getting better, I’m SO thankful for that. And I’m waiting for a gosling to finish breaking through his shell in the bathroom. I hope I can find a foster mama for him … raising 3 goslings last year was intense work, and a single gosling would be even more so. I think I’ll snag a newly hatched duckling for a buddy for him if I can’t foster him to one of the muscovies or geese.

        Things are getting better. I think I needed that very low spot to really push me to seek God more for help. I need Him for some issues coming up, and I was trying to handle it all on my own, I think, and I really can’t and shouldn’t be doing that. 🙂

        Thanks for y’all’s kind words. I’ll be sure to come back and visit.

        be blessed!


      • You’re welcome. I’m glad to hear that some things are going better, but I pray that boil will leave soon. Your stress level may be supressing your immune system which could be a contributing factor. I wonder what would happen if you would hold a pepermint leaf in your mouth over the boil, or use another anti-inflamatory herb that would work in a similar manner (and not taste too awful).

        God bless you with comfort as you draw closer to Him.


  10. It does sound like a discouraging week. I hope your burdens are lightened soon. I’m sorry about your dog. Once they get a taste they just don’t stop. We’ve been through that before too. I will say we now have a border collie that we got from a rescue, and he doesn’t mess with the animals at all – and he keeps intruding animals at bay. I can’t recommend the breed enough for those with farms!


    • Your dog sounds great! I would love a border collie. We also have an Australian Shepherd that helps to herd our animals in when needed and alerts us to intruders. He was given to us by someone who had to move, and we’ve decided from now on all our dogs need to be bred for that purpose. I never mentioned it in my post, but Zoe was half German Shepherd and half timber wolf!!! I guess there were a few people in our family who dreamed of having a wolf and had to get it out of their blood! She was a very intelligent dog, but the wolf in her was too big. I think her new family is perfect.


  11. Just wanted to send you a hug and a word of encouragement.

    Also wanted to mention that I’ve heard that fresh milk is a wonderful fertilizer for pastures and plants when diluted. Apparently the microorganisms in healthy soil just love it. So you might want to look into that to see if it’s an appropriate option, in case you find yourself with more than your family or livestock can handle again.

    Hang in there!


    • Thank you Holly for your hug and encouraging words! It is gratefully received.

      Using milk as a fertilizer is a great idea! Even feeding it to the chickens I know it’s not really wasted, but the idea takes a little getting used to.


  12. Although we don’t have near as much as you going on… I know what it is to feel overwhelmed and just want to ditch it all and go move into an apartment!

    I’m sorry you had a horrible week. They do happen. Our coon hound/chow mix killed 14 chickens when she was a pup. That was over 10 years ago… we still have her, but she’s not allowed anywhere near the animals. Our German Shepherds are totally trustworthy around the animals, however.

    Maybe you could scale down your homesteading requirements a bit and not have so much going on at once? In any event, I hope you have a much better week this week. 🙂


    • I did think about how life would be going back to town with houses all around…it didn’t make me feel any better. And our children would think life was ending! 🙂

      Horrible weeks do happen, and then there are weeks that remind you of all the benefits of what we are doing and it’s worth it! What you said about scaling down and not having so much going at once is good advice. We have decided (and will hopefully stick to our decision) that no new animals are to be introduced to our homestead till after we are back from an upcoming trip and all the fencing is finished.

      I’m glad to hear that about German Shepherds. Did you raise them/train them from little up? We can’t afford to have a dog that we have to protect our animals from. Every animal must benefit the farm in some way, and our primary reason for dogs is to protect our livestock. We think if we could have trained Zoe as a pup she could possibly make a great farm guard dog, in spite of being half timber wolf. Maybe that is wishful thinking.


  13. Rose Petal, so sad to hear that you’ve suffered this way and thank you for being so candid. it sounds as though you have a mighty fine friend beside you to guide you through the hard times. Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Natural Mother’s “Seasonal Celebration Sunday.” Hope to see you again this Sunday / Monday!! Rebecca x


  14. Oh, how I feel for you! It was like reading the last 17 years, off and on, of our lives
    since moving onto our land. I am so glad that you are thinking it through with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I won’t even go in to our story…just hang in there. You are definitely on the Right Path.


  15. Rose Petal I am so sorry for all you have been going through….it seems like often when it rains it pours. I would have been very defeated if I had come home like you and saw the bedlam on the day of the goat disaster. My husband too works a very labor intensive job at times and I think he gets discouraged because he wants to do more work at home while we do not have a huge spread like you guys have and we do not live off grid and I am sure lots of challenges arise. We did have a dog that ate my chickens though and we had to get rid of her. Sending you and your family prayers…


    • Thank you Karen for your kind words. I know that our struggles are not uniquely ours, but anyone in this lifestyle shares them. It’s part of the package I guess. But we also get to share the joys. 🙂 Thank you for your prayers.


  16. Rose Petal,
    I couldn’t agree more with your comments and points you listed in this post! I feel so “soft” when it comes to dealing with trials that come via homesteading. But if I look back several years I can see growth in the area of perseverance, hard work, facing challenges, etc. I definitely still have moments when I’m faint of heart or want to give up, but any things that were once a great challenge, now seem the norm!

    My heart goes out to you on what you’ve had to face recently. I’ll be praying for mercy and strength as well as a clear direction and provisions for that path!


  17. Rose Petal,

    Girl, I have SO been there, lol!! I know exactly what you were feeling in those moments of feeling like throwing your hands in the air and asking “WHY?!”. But what an encouragement you are to keep going, and for giving it to the Father for His glory.

    I wanted to thank you, not only for sharing your struggles, but for speaking so openly about our nation and the coming troubles we’ll be facing. I have also been suddenly interested in reading about past Communist regimes, and biographies of those who survived the persecution, and I have gleaned so much from them. I have been shocked to see so many similarities between what those leaders did then, and what I am seeing taking place in our own country today. If people want to get an idea of what to prepare for, they need to look at the past as an example.

    Blessings to you as you continue to press forward. Looking forward to the soon coming of our Messiah!!!


    • It is such a blessing that many people took the time to write down their experiences so we can learn from them.

      Sometimes (especially when times are tough) I really wish Jesus would come NOW! In His compassion for the lost He chooses to have us stay a little longer, but I also look forward to His coming!


  18. I have no long, wordy list of advice to give…just know that my husband and I are of like minds and Spirits with you and that we are praying that God will straighten ALL things out for you and make your way smooth. God bless you.
    Boyd and Judy


  19. I stumbled onto your blog today. I’m so sorry to hear about the trials your family has been having. I really understand how hard it is for our hubby’s to be spread thin over multiple jobs! When dh and I first married we lived on a off grid farm as well. Our goats got out a few times and destroyed our gardens. And my peach tree that had finally started producing!! Oh I was so heart broken.
    But things do get better, we have seasons with more trials than others. But your right, if you keep leaning to God to help you and guid you, things will be ok.
    Will keep your family in prayer!


    • I am so sorry about your gardens and peaches. I love the milk we get from our goats, and they are quite loveable and sociable creatures, but there are times when I have felt like putting them six feet under. They are such…goats!

      I’m glad things got better for you, and I’m looking forward to easier days here as well. Thank you for your prayers.


  20. Rose Petal and Silver Oak –
    I have been lurking, reading your blog for a while now. In fact, I have been following for a while but never actually read the “Starting a new homestead” post. I was challenged by the specific prayer and how so perfectly God answered it – what an encouragement! This last post you have written truly resonates with me and my wife. Many times in our life we have felt done – whether with kids (we have 6 right now), animals (a season we had and hope to get back into soon), or work/ministry (I am so done with my job right now – I am blessed to have it, but drained by the corporate junk as a manager in corporate america). God used this post to remind me that we can’t lose sight of the eternal and the visions and dreams He gives us. One day my wife and I will be living more in the country and off of the country – until then, we need wisdom, prayer, and greater faith to make the big step. May God bless you both as you do what many of us haven’t had to guts to do yet – step out and trust the God who can help us in our little dreams or in our BIG dreams.


    • Wow! Thanks for sharing and introducing yourself, Joe. May God bless you with direction and the desires of your heart as you seek His will for your family. The journey is made one step at a time.


  21. Found you through Homestead Revival–I can understand how discouraging those kind of days can be–we have run our own family business for almost 30 years and there are days we just want to quit–life is hard, but it does draw us to the Savior and puts us at the foot of the cross–I so know I need those times otherwise I would become so self sufficient. Truly, our sustenance comes from Him, whatever He has called us to do.

    May you find grace to keep on keeping on.

    Rhonda Devine


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